Effects of peak flows resulting from hydropower operation and extreme rainfall are expected to vary with river channelization and climate warming.
The recently established "Hydromorphological and Temperature Experimental Channels" (HyTEC) is used for testing single and combined effects of river flow, riverbed morphology and temperature on fish. HyTEC consists of two large channels (40 m length, 6 m width) fed with nutrient-poor lake water taken at different depths to vary water temperature. Peak flows of up to 600 l/s are produced to mimic hydropeaking and extreme floods.
Experiments usually run for several hours or days in paired treatment and control channels. Replication is achieved by repeating experiments, with treatment and control channels randomly selected each time.
Immediate responses to hydraulic stressors will be habitat and behavioural shifts of larval and juvenile fish, as well as the downstream displacement of fish.

schema experimental plant
 view experimental plant
 channel surface topography